Linda Baffa: Learning to Go With the Flow

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Linda Baffa: Learning to Go With the Flow

At Manduka, we were founded on the simple concept of creating a foundation to support the yoga teachers, studios, and yogis who inspire others to practice. Today, we are sharing our platform with Linda Baffa, a yoga instructor, singer, mama, soul seeker, and astrologist. To her, teaching yoga and meditation to students of all ages genuinely feels like a calling, and not a service she takes lightly. We are delighted to share some relaxing and peaceful videos she created just for you to open up your body, heart, and mind and learn to go with the flow. If you're a surfer, the poses she shares might be particularly useful, but they are really lovely for all bodies in any case.

We hope you enjoy these as much as we do.

Here's a A Meditation to Help You Go With the Flow (5 Min.), best for when life seems overwhelming and like there's no way out. Save this to refer back to when you need to pause, take a breath, and remember that everything is going to be okay, if you just go with the flow.

Here's a Yin Yoga Flow with Linda Baffa (16 Min.) to help surfers, and anyone, unwind and go with the flow. Get ready to give your hips and shoulders some extra love and feel that deep release, once you do.

Linda is practicing on our PROlite® Yoga Mat in Gerry Lopez Matcha

Learn more and connect with Linda here



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